28 June, 2006
21 June, 2006
02 June, 2006
Illustration Friday: Portrait 2
This is a small maquette I created to help me with illustrating this little guy. He was inspired by a sketch I did for Illustration Friday: Spotted. I'm writing several stories about him, and it's based loosely off what I was like as a kid. I hope they see the light of day.
Sculpey, 4" tall
Illustration Friday: Portrait
Boy, this goes way back! It was a college assignment on color. I'm much more of a cartoonist than I am a realist, and you can definetly tell here, and I have a really hard time taking myself seriously, especially when it comes to self-portraits.
The only serious part of this painting is the red strip, representing the migraines I suffer quite often.
Acrylic on illustration board