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17 February, 2006

Moonroes Comic Strip

I am such a kid. I'm just stuck in some strange grown-up body, that's all. I still dream of being a cartoonist, just like I have for the last 25 years or so, but I'm not so naive anymore to the fact that drawing comic strips is a dying profession, at least as far as newspapers go. It's always been extremely difficult to become syndicated, and it's getting harder all the time, but for many, many years I didn't give up. I have a drawer full of rejection letters from syndicates to prove that.

Well, it dawned on me the other day that I have a forum here to show some results of all my hard work so many years ago. Not only that, but I can get immediate responses like never before! So, with that dawning realization, I went through my archive of comics and I was... well, you could say I lost some of my enthusiasm. They were embarrassing! There really is something to be said for experience, and my comics clearly showed that I was lacking.

I'm tossing my pride aside and I've decided that I will be very selective and show some anyway. Now, just because I'm being selective, don't expect what I show to be any good, just enjoy them for what they are, disposable comic strips.

Without further ado, introducing the world premier of:

Moonroes is about a young family living in the confines of planet earth in a time when technology has brought the impossible within the dreamer's grasp. The human touch, which is ever present in this futuristic society of flying minivans and robotic friends, lends the premise to boundless situations and follies.

The characters:
Stecky: He's a good father who's having a tough time at being a grown-up. Although he is a responsible adult, he longs for the simple days of his childhood. (Ok, a bit of me in this character)

Syd: The mother of the Moonroe clan. She's a patient, loving wife and mother, but is forced to have the firm hand in the family to keep house and home together. (How stereotypical, hmmmm)

Ferris: The 10 year old son. Although a good kid, his childlike curiosity and naivete occasionally cause trouble. Nothing a youngster with an imagination can't handle.

Orbit: Although Orbit is the only purchased member of the Moonroe family, he's as much a part of the family as everyone else, to a point. His ego and mix of computer chips and emotions create a dynamic contrast in personalities within himself.

And here is my first comic (click to see it larger, and remember to come back often for more!)
next comic...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This moonroe is not bad at all! Keep trying and you'll land something. There is also lot of online news sites that offer some cartoon strips as an option for someones news portal.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Kim de Young said...

It must be very difficult to get a story into 3 squares, your strip is well done. I'll be back to read more.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Your strip has infinate future possibilites - I like it!

1:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Looks good to me. I've attempted some ideas in teh past, but I get bogged down in background.. can't seem to figure out when to simply leave it out completely. Doesn't look like a problem for you. Humor is good, layout works, and characters do indeed have much potential.

One suggestion: The description of the mother makes her seem a bit too perfect. She needs at least one blaring personality quirt to make the character more believable and so readers can better identify with her. That could also create some humourous irony with her usual got-it-together personality.

I look forward to seeing this strip in print some day!

5:26 AM  

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