Illustration Friday: Chair
I was a bit uninspired by this week's Illustration Friday topic "Chair" until I iChatted with my good buddy Patrick Kendall about a magazine that we really got into when we used to hang out together as young teenagers called CARtoons. I've been doodling ideas about a nerdy kid coming up with some contraption that would intimidate his personal bully, and as ideas do, this one, the CARtoons, and "Chair" all mixed together until I came up with this. You can see a larger version by clicking on the illo.
I'd sure like a chair like this for my birthday... vroom vroooooom!
I'd sure like a chair like this for my birthday... vroom vroooooom!
nice drawing! Would you believe I used to buy CARtoons magazine too when I was a kid? You brought back some memories with that one... I think that was where I learned how to draw cool wheels...
it's funny the way that happens! great idea and love the drawing!
Hahahaha, great illo! Can I borrow that contraption please?
now thats a sweet ride. want me one of those.
I want one!
Great illo. Great idea!
HA! Cool! I loved CARtoons mag too.
We nerds may not be physical, but we can outthink any bully any day. LOL. I like the style of this, too.
hahaha, now THAT is a CHAIR!!
Great idea, love ur work
Garth! I posted a comment on this one yesterday, but blogger must have been, uhhh blogged up or something! Anyway, this is great! I can't believe how fast you created this thing! Fast chair, fast artist! George Trosley would be proud! Now let's go read some Krass & Bernie....
Nice fun illustrations!
Great idea! I bet some kids wish it were real!!
Love it!
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